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10 марта 2011 г.

How to make double fringed flowers

How to make double fringed flowers

Another tutorial on quilled fringed flowers. This type is rather rear and I've never seen a detailed description of it. I already explained how to make simple fringed flowers earlier.
You will need double-sided colored paper, scissors, glue, a ready-made or a do-it-yourself slotted tool, or just a wooden toothpick.
1. Cut a paper strip about 2-3 cm (1 inch) wide and 10 cm (4 inch) long. Fold it lengthwise.
2. Create a fringe by making small cuts at 45 degrees along the closed edge.
3. Attach to its end a regular — 3 mm (1/8 inch) wide and 25-30 cm (10 inch) long — quilling strip. This will make the center of the flower.
4. Roll tightly using a toothpick or quilling tool, starting from the tip of the narrow strip.
You don't have to shape the petals, they will fluff up by themselves.
5. After the fringe is rolled up, glue its tip and hold for a couple of minutes to let the glue dry a little.
Now you can use your flower for a greeting card or any other purpose.
In order to make a flower of the type shown below use only a wide strip. In this case it should be longer, about 20-30 cm (8-12 inch). Don't glue a narrow strip for the center, start rolling the fringe right away.

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